Your expert team of Chiropractors
Dr Gabriela Martinho
Born to be a healthcare professional
From drawing medical bags in art class and playing "Doctor Doctor" as a child, to studying a gruelling 6-year Chiropractic degree, the idea of making people feel better has always been Gabriela's life long dream. She is a hockey player, dog enthusiast and loves making athletes reach their ultimate best and making average day Joe's feel like excellent ones.
Dr Gareth Williams
Devoted to helping you feel your best
Dr Gareth Williams is well above Par and so is his golf. If you're looking for friendly, caring and knowledgeable he is your guy. From all things sports and chiropractic to all things family and chiropractic he's got your back. Dr Gareth is dedicated to helping athletes reach their full potential and be the best version of themselves.

Our Philosophies
Prevention is the best cure!
You don't need to suffer and go through lots of treatment if you prevent an illness from happening
Chiropractic manipulations uses a controlled force to help restore a joint's range of motion
Soft tissue therapy
When thinking of joints there are 2 large components we specialise in: Muscles and Bones. Both work together to make our joints function. Needless to say muscles will always need attention.
Holistic approach
We use a holistic appraoch to patient care. We factor in the Biological, the social and the psychological aspects of your pain and use that for a more effective treatment outcome.
Both Dr Gaby and Dr Gareth have their masters in health sciences specializing in Chiropractic achieved at the university of Johannesburg.
Our Chiropractors are registered with the Allied Health Proffesions Council of South Africa.
Dr Gabriela AHSPCA no. A12455
Dr Gareth AHPCSA no. A12487
University of Johannesburg Chiropractic Clinic internship (Dr Gaby and Dr Gareth)
Chiropractic Department
Private Practice (Dr Gaby and Dr Gareth)
Private Practice
Have any questions?

If you have any questions about the therapies, feel free to contact us.
Delia F.
At the age of 60, I thought that I would have to live with pain for the rest of my life. However, after 1st session I realised that there is hope. Thank you so much.
Andrew G.
Very professional, explained the entire process, and did a detailed and thorough correction, exceeded expectations.
Happy clients

Stonehill Medical Centre
Stonehill Crossing
Greenstone, Modderfontein
All rights reserved © chiropractic by g 2024