Dry Needling
Dry needling stands as a therapeutic technique employed by skilled healthcare professionals, commonly physiotherapists or chiropractors, aimed at alleviating muscle pain and enhancing function. Diverging from traditional acupuncture, deeply rooted in ancient Chinese medicine, dry needling finds its foundation in modern Western medicine principles.
Throughout a dry needling session, slender filiform needles are meticulously inserted through the skin and into trigger points, which manifest as taut bands or knots within muscles. These trigger points often result in pain and restricted movement. By precisely targeting these areas with the needles, practitioners endeavor to stimulate the muscles, inducing relaxation and releasing tension.
The term "dry" in dry needling signifies the absence of medication or solution injected into the body, setting it apart from traditional acupuncture or medical injections. The procedure solely relies on the mechanical stimulation provided by the needle.
Dry needling commonly constitutes a component of a comprehensive treatment plan for various musculoskeletal conditions, encompassing chronic pain, sports injuries, and muscle tightness. It is believed to alleviate pain, enhance range of motion, and foster tissue healing by promoting blood flow to the affected area.
Through the precise insertion of needles into trigger points, dry needling prompts a localized inflammatory response. This response triggers the body's natural healing mechanisms, mobilizing immune cells and growth factors to the area. Additionally, the mechanical action of the needle stimulates the nerves, leading to the release of endorphins and other neurotransmitters, which can help alleviate pain and improve overall function.
In essence, dry needling serves as an effective adjunct therapy in the hands of proficient practitioners for managing muscle pain and dysfunction. Nevertheless, its application should always be guided by a thorough assessment and diagnosis from a qualified healthcare provider, ensuring its integration into a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to the individual's specific needs. Book an appointment now to get dry needling done to you!

Stonehill Medical Centre
Stonehill Crossing
Greenstone, Modderfontein
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